38 Responses to Torment

  1. Twisted Angel says:

    Wow. I love the colors of the pins against your skin. Beautiful image and great quote to go with it.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thank you! Last minutes decision to participate this week, but I’m quite glad I did.

  2. Cammies on the floor says:

    Very interesting, so colorful, ouchie and torment, and such a beautiful perspective.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      You know, I wanted wooden pegs, but couldn’t find them at my local corner shops. I’m quite glad now as I like the colour. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Agatha-luise says:

    Love it! I can almost feel the clothespin on my skin! Also, you can never go wrong with Marquis de Sade (well, at least that’s what I think)!!

  4. Marie Rebelle says:

    WOW! Lovely photo and I can imagine the pain…

    Rebel xox

    • Harper Eliot says:

      You know, on the flesh it wasn’t that painful. Just made the skin tight. But it bruised my nipples! Repeating it the following day really hurt.

  5. Bunny says:

    Wowzers mctavish! That’s a ton of pins! Beautiful image with them all different colours and such.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thirty-four pegs, I believe. Thank you! (McTavish? Are you a Greg Proops fan?)

  6. Curious Muse says:

    Little wonder you never find time for housework if you can be this imaginative with a bunch of clothes pegs! I love the colours, makes a refreshing change to see such brightness. Brilliant image.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Haha! First off! I spend all my time doing housework – it just gets undone faster. And… I wish I could take credit for this photo, but it was not my idea.

  7. Malflic says:

    I think it is the expression behind the pins that really got my attention.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      It’s funny because hmmed and hawed over this photograph for a while because of the expression! So glad you like it.

  8. Emma Whispers says:

    Wow those are some great colours. Such a great angle. Brilliant photo

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thank you! One of those photographs I took almost by accident. But I’m quite pleased with it.

  9. KaziGrrl says:

    Colourfully graphic illustration of an excellent quote, well done!!

    ~Kazi xxx

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thank you! Although I wish I could claim to have found the quotation first, haha. Just lucky they go hand-in-hand really.

  10. Rose says:

    Now I got myself wondering if we have clothespins like that over here!

    • Harper Eliot says:

      They’ve got quite a bite to them. I hurt myself more by accidentally letting it go on my finger than I did taking this photograph.

  11. Persephone says:

    What a great, colourful image. Love the quote too!

  12. Molly says:

    The primary colours of the pegs give this image and interesting and challenging child-like quality that contrasts sharply with the boobs and the fabulous expression on your face. I love that challenge and the fact that it makes me look again just to make sure I am really seeing what I think I am seeing


    • Harper Eliot says:

      Hehe, I so adore you. You find my perversions when I hadn’t even noticed they were present.

  13. Karen Blue says:

    I love this picture. I am a bit distracted thinking of how it must have felt when they finally came off. Sweet torment, indeed.

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Actually it wasn’t that bad, taking them off. It was quite lovely. It hurt much more the second time, a day later.

  14. Beck says:

    Two things come to mind…1) Yum! and 2) Ouch! I love all the different colors and the intensity on your face. You can tell you are thinking yum and ouch! :P

  15. Yes, THAT Tonya (@TisforTMI) says:

    Oh my, torment indeed! I’ve tried pins on myself but I just can’t seem to force myself to take it. I’m not much good at self-sadism. Perhaps in my current explorations with new partners I’ll have one of them try it on me. ;) But they look lovely on you, my dear. Absolutely gorgeous photo. The expression on your face is so relaxed and serene. Methinks my whole forehead would be bunched up and my eyebrows knitted together!

    Miss you. :-*

    • Harper Eliot says:

      I don’t have very sensitive breasts, so this wasn’t all that difficult actually – but using them again the day afterwards, on my nipples, was quite deliciously uncomfortable.

  16. Ann Morette says:

    This is quite the seductive image. The colors, shadows and expression really make this photo fantastic!

  17. Mitsu says:

    The colors and perspective of this photo really draw me in. I want to run my hands along the tops of those clips! And kudos for the Marquis de Sade quote. ;)

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thank you! I should imagine running your hand over the top of the pegs would be quite an interesting sensation… I may have to try that.

  18. Mina Lamieux says:

    Stunning photograph.

  19. Jade says:

    That quote is perfection. And the colors! Lovely.

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