
“In the ocean, washing off my name from your throat”
– The Shrine / An Argument, Fleet Foxes

Scribe me.
Spank me.
Scratch me.

Beat me.
Bind me.
Bruise me.

Force me.
Fuck me.
Fill me.

Hold me.
Have me.
Handle me.

Press me.
Pull me.
Push me.

Tie me.
Tangle me.
Torture me.

Bite me.
Burn me.
Brand me.

Carve me.
Your name.
My flesh.

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5 Responses to Couplets/Triplets

  1. wayne says:

    happy that i found your blog

    great picture

    need any help with the marker

    let me know

  2. Molly says:

    Brilliant….and yes please to ALL of this.


  3. barenakedlady says:

    Love it! Yes to all of it, pls now kthx

  4. Kaori-Chan says:

    Yes please! That was awesome

    Kaori-Chan xx

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