Review: The Blush Bulge Cock

The Blush Bulge Cock is a nice little toy. Made of opaque, pinkish UR3 and anti-bacterial Sil-A-Gel, it feels nice in your hand – reasonably heavy, but quite soft to the touch. What’s nice about it is that it looks, relatively, average in size, but it’s 6” actually feel quite large when inserted.

The smell is quite strong but not unpleasant – it reminds me of marshmallows – and thus, if you like to suck toys as I do, the taste is also not bad at all.

The shaft is covered with thick ‘veins’ which give a delightful sensation, and the head is quite bulbous – or feels it anyway. My one and only criticism of this toy would be that the ‘balls’ are a little too firm and the shaft is a little too soft. Although this makes insertion marginally more difficult, neither are that noticeable when you’re actually fucking yourself with it. Just bears mentioning as this toy just fall under the category of “realistic” dildos.

Overall this is a pretty good toy; very ahem filling indeed. And it made me come hard! So, no complaints from me.

If this doesn’t tickle your fancy, check out the great range of other sex toys available at Eden Fantasys.

(P.S. It may be nothing more than my own gender-funking curiosity, but, I thought I’d let you know that it also holds quite nicely in panties if you fancy pretending you’re a bloke for a few minutes.)

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2 Responses to Review: The Blush Bulge Cock

  1. strangebed says:

    I love your reviews! I’m curious, though — are you actually able to come with just a dildo? I guess that’s an awfully personal question to ask, but considering the nature of our blogs … :-p

    • LadyGrinSoul says:

      Haha, I suppose it would be personal… but I’m desensitised. I assume what you’re asking is if I can come by penetration alone; the answer is no. Only something like 20% of women (don’t quote me on that figure) can come every time without some form of clitoral stimulation. Dildos can heighten orgasm for me, but I have to tease my clit as well. I did once come just by a combination of penetration and OVERWHELMING emotion… but it was different. And I don’t expect it to happen many more times in my life.

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