40 Responses to #SinfulSunday – Body Honesty

  1. Jilly says:

    You are truly very beautiful, Harper.


  2. Marie Rebelle says:

    There is nothing sexier than just being the honest you! Yummy!
    Rebel xox

  3. Cheeky Chops says:

    you are simply amazing

  4. Curvaceous Dee says:

    Yes, you are very beautiful indeed. But I am somewhat biased – I look at you (especially that second photo) and think you look so very much like me!

    xx Dee

  5. Molly says:

    I LOVE YOU Miss Harper Eliot for everything that you are and most of all for posting this images. Firstly would you mind if I posted one of the to my Pinterest board where I am trying to make a collect called Beautiful Real Women? You can find it here….


    Also I am in the process of developing a new project based around my 365 work that will be called 365 nudes and I want to take 365 images of nude woman. I want them to be sensual sexy images and show real beautiful woman of all ages shapes sizes colours etc etc…. would you let me take you photograph for that project once I get started?


    • Harper Eliot says:

      Thank you so much Molly! Whilst I appreciate the comments from everyone, I think you really understand what I was trying to do – not a bid for attention or an intentional display of beauty, but just a moment of honesty.

      Yes, you absolutely can use one of the images on your pinterest board; that’s exactly where I want these kinds of images. For the 365 Nudes project, I’m on board in theory, but my mood and my mind keep changing on this, so I think you’re better off asking me once the project is off the ground, or once you want to photograph me. I’ll probably say yes, but just ask again then.

      Harper xx

  6. mrs jojo says:

    beautiful, i’d nibble on your bum ;)

  7. Ruby Goodnight says:

    I do love a good, clean image. Even if they are ‘dirty’. :)

  8. Mia says:

    Honesty is the best policy and the honesty in these photos is truly beautiful.

    ~Mia~ xx

  9. KaziGrrl says:

    I get so tired of polished model poses… love the beautiful honesty here :)

    ~Kazi xxx

  10. O says:

    Honestly? Beautiful, wondrous and an absolute delight x

  11. Bill says:

    Beautiful, and in such contrast to so many ads that promote the supposed beauty that is so unhealthy looking!

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Yes! But… this is not a display of health either. It’s just a couple of candid photos.

  12. Jack and Jill says:

    You are amazing. Note that we didn’t say that you look amazing – though you certainly do. You look so perfect that we would love to slip into bed on either side of you and do fabulous, very memorable things to you. No, you are amazing, in every sense of the word. This is such a powerful, positive, empowering, and above all erotic Sinful Sunday, and we’re very glad you posted it.

  13. Stella (@stellarsub) says:

    How incredibly honest and very brave. Lovely.

  14. GingerBlackfox says:

    You are braver than I am. Wonderful shots.

    Ginger x

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Haha, not sure whether it’s bravery or that I genuinely don’t care what people think of me. But THANK you.

  15. Clive says:

    Gorgeously Sexy – honestly

  16. Jana says:

    There’s nothing more beautiful then a person being comfortable enough with themselves to bare all.. and such delicious all it is.

    You look gorgeous sweetheart, absolutely gorgeous.

    xoxo Jana

  17. Kim says:

    As a straight woman, there are a few women who are beautiful inside & out, that I would be happy to hop into their beds, and you are one of them. Love the words, love the pics, love all of you!

  18. Ladypandorah says:

    Wonderful, beautiful, honest – You, in essence.

    LP x

    • Harper Eliot says:

      If me “in essence” includes ‘honesty’ then I am a very happy girl. Thank you.

  19. Blacksilk says:

    It’s hard to comment on this when I know what you already think about the comments on this so far, but I suppose I’ll just say that you might not have intended a show of beauty here, but it doesn’t stop people finding it. If people are going to react to you being honest, it may as well be in a nice way. :)

    • Harper Eliot says:

      Oh, of course. I am not at all upset about the comments I’ve received in and of themselves. I’m just frustrated with trying to find my way to show what I mean. And I do recognise that I’ve put my commenters in a really difficult situation… but that’s just how it is.

      And thank you.

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